



Consider the following main() method which you would find most iPhone applications:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
    [pool release];
    return retVal;


In every iPhone app that I've run in Simulator with these (including several sample projects provided by Apple), the thread never exits UIApplicationMain() and any remaining code in main() is never executed. Is this expected behavior?

我已经通过调试器单步执行代码来验证UIApplicationMain()之后的语句永远不会运行.当用户停止应用程序时(例如,通过单击主页"按钮),生成的堆栈跟踪显示最终调用了[UIApplication _terminateWithStatus:].此函数调用您的应用程序委托的applicationWillTerminate:方法.一旦完成,[UIApplication _terminateWithStatus:]似乎会杀死/退出线程.

I have verified that statements after UIApplicationMain() never run by stepping through the code with a debugger. When the user stops an application (by hitting the "Home" button, for example), the resulting stack trace shows that [UIApplication _terminateWithStatus:] is eventually called. This function calls your application delegate's applicationWillTerminate: method. Once that finishes, [UIApplication _terminateWithStatus:] seems to kill/exit the thread.


Can someone confirm that this is how main() is supposed to work, or at least confirm the same behavior on their machine?




After doing several tests in Simulator and on the device, and asking another developer to do the same tests, I have confirmed that UIApplicationMain never returns. When the user terminates an application normally by hitting the Home button, The program ultimately terminates inside an unpublished UIApplication method called _terminateWithStatus. This method calls exit(0).

此行为与NSApplicationMain函数(UIApplicationMain函数的AppKit/Cocoa版本)的行为匹配. NSApplicationMain()的文档明确指出它将永远不会返回.

This behavior matches that of the NSApplicationMain function (which is AppKit/Cocoa version of the UIApplicationMain function). The documentation for NSApplicationMain() clearly states that it will never return.


I have submitted a bug (6600198) to Apple requesting that the official documentation (and Xcode template for main.m) be corrected to state that UIApplicationMain() never returns. While this is not a functional problem, the current template and docs are misleading.


Thanks to everyone for all the input and brainstorming!