在Visual Studio 2010中执行繁重的C ++程序时出现BEX错误

在Visual Studio 2010中执行繁重的C ++程序时出现BEX错误


您好。当我在visual studio 2010中执行用c ++编写的用于矩阵形成的程序时,对于小尺寸,例如10x2,程序运行良好。当我增加尺寸,例如增加到300x2或更高时,程序会挂起并想要打开它自己,并将BEX错误报告为问题事件。我该怎么办?

Hello. When I execute my program written in c++ in visual studio 2010 for matrix formation, for small dimensions, for example 10x2, the program works good. When I increase dimensions, for example to 300x2 or higher, the program hangs and wants to open itself and it reports BEX error as problem event. What should I do?

哇。我犯了一个非常糟糕的错误。在int []中,我从之前写过[10] [2]但实际上,应该改为int [300] [2],例如。
Wow. I made a very bad mistake. In int [], I wrote [10][2] from previous but indeed, that should change to int [300][2], for example.