在 Visual Studio 中编译程序集

在 Visual Studio 中编译程序集


如何使用 Visual Studio 编译汇编代码?

How do you compile assembly code using Visual Studio?

我想在 Visual Studio 2010 中编译和运行程序集源文件.

I want to compile and run an assembly source file in Visual Studio 2010.

我创建了一个 Visual C++ 项目并在文件 code.asm 中插入了一些汇编代码:

I've created a Visual C++ project and inserted some assembly code in a file code.asm:

.586              ;Target processor.  Use instructions for Pentium class machines
.MODEL FLAT, C    ;Use the flat memory model. Use C calling conventions
.STACK            ;Define a stack segment of 1KB (Not required for this example)
.DATA             ;Create a near data segment.  Local variables are declared after
                  ;this directive (Not required for this example)
.CODE             ;Indicates the start of a code segment.

clear PROC
   xor eax, eax 
   xor ebx, ebx 
clear ENDP 


However the problem is when you try and compile this, you get:

LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup


I did go and enable the build customization masm.targets (right click project > Build Customizations..), but to no avail.

在我看来,.asm 文件的自定义构建规则未启用.右键单击项目,自定义构建规则,勾选Microsoft Macro Assembler".使用END clear"指令并禁用增量链接,我得到了一个干净的构建.

Sounds to me like the custom build rules for .asm files isn't enabled. Right-click the project, Custom Build Rules, tick "Microsoft Macro Assembler". With the "END clear" directive and disabling incremental linking I'm getting a clean build.


  1. 右键单击项目构建自定义,勾选ma​​sm".
  2. 右键单击.asm 文件,属性,将项目类型更改为Microsoft Macro Assembler".
  1. Right-click Project, Build customizations, tick "masm".
  2. Right-click the .asm file, Properties, change Item Type to "Microsoft Macro Assembler".