使用F10 / F11进行Visual Studio调试器的行为就像F5(运行)

使用F10 / F11进行Visual Studio调试器的行为就像F5(运行)


在调试解决方案时,我一直遇到一个奇怪的Visual Studio(2010)问题,我希望有人对如何解决这个问题有一些想法。

I have been running into a strange Visual Studio (2010) issue when debugging the a solution and I’m hoping someone has some thoughts on how to fix this issue.


At times, during debugging when hitting a break point and start stepping through (F10 or F11) the behavior seen is that of F5 (run), immediately jumping out of the debugger with the page rendered. If a break point is set it’ll run to that but from there it will run to end (or next break point).

我发现唯一的停止这个行为(一段时间)是关闭Visual Studio,关闭IIS,关闭IE(是的,必须这样做,似乎保持引用),然后去清除所有临时ASP.NET文件中发现的所有框架文件夹(C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET)。

The only thing I’ve found to stop this behavior (for a short while) is to close Visual Studio, shutdown IIS, close out IE (yeah, have to do this, seems to hold references) and then go and purge all of the Temporary ASP.NET Files found in all Framework folders (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET).


This is really making debugging and troubleshooting difficult. Any thoughts on what might be causing this (and how to fix)?

我在Visual视图中遇到多线程调试问题Studio(我们使用VS 2008与C#代码)。有时调试器会挂起,其他时候会继续调试会话。

I've had issues with multithreaded debugging in Visual Studio (we use VS 2008 with C# code). Sometimes the debugger would hang, and other times it would just continue the debugging session.

我终于找到了解决问题的解决方法。我选择Visual Studio工具/选项,调试,常规和禁用调用变量窗口中的对象的字符串转换函数(仅限C#和JavaScript)。

I finally found a workaround for my issues. I selected Visual Studio Tools/Options, Debugging, General, and disabled "Call string conversion function on objects in variables windows (C# and JavaScript only)".


Internet posts also suggested un-checking "Enable property evaluation and other implicit calls", but I didn’t need to do that in my case.