


我有一个类 Dimension ,我在文件Dimension.h中定义了该类(就像我的所有类一样):

I have a class Dimension which I defined (like all my classes) in a file Dimension.h:

class Dimension

    constexpr Dimension() noexcept;

    constexpr Dimension(int w, int h) noexcept;

    int width;
    int height;



I thought I could, like in all my classes, put the definition in a separate Dimension.cpp:

#include "Dimension.h"

constexpr Dimension::Dimension() noexcept : width(0), height(0) {}

constexpr Dimension::Dimension(int w, int h) noexcept : width(w), height(h) {}


But when I try to use the class, the compiler tells me:

警告:内联函数' constexpr Dimension :: Dimension()'已使用但从未定义

warning: inline function 'constexpr Dimension::Dimension()' used but never defined


对' pong :: graphics :: Dimension :: Dimension()'


(same with the other constructor)


If I define the class in the header like so:

class Dimension

    constexpr Dimension() noexcept : width(0), height(0) {}

    constexpr Dimension(int w, int h) noexcept : width(w), height(h) {}

    int width;
    int height;



and omit the .cpp file, everything works fine.

我正在使用GCC 4.9.2。为什么单独的定义不起作用?

I'm using GCC 4.9.2. Why does separate definition not work?

如果 constexpr 函数是没有在标头中定义,编译器在编译所有其他源文件时看不到 constexpr 函数的定义。

If a constexpr function is not defined inside the header, the compiler can not see the definition of the constexpr functions while compiling all the other source files.

很显然,如果看不到函数的定义,则无法在编译时执行计算它们所需的步骤。因此,所有 constexpr 函数都必须在使用它们的任何位置进行定义。

Obviously, if it can't see the definition of the functions, it can't perform the steps necessary to calculate them at compile-time. Thus all constexpr functions must be defined everywhere they are used.


[dcl.constexpr]§7.1.5/ 2

Thanks @IgorTandetnik:
[dcl.constexpr] §7.1.5/2

constexpr 函数和 constexpr 构造函数是隐式内联的。

constexpr functions and constexpr constructors are implicitly inline.

[basic.def.odr]§3.2/ 4


An inline function shall be defined in every translation unit in which it is odr-used.