SQL Server 2008安装错误:早期版本的Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

SQL Server 2008安装错误:早期版本的Microsoft Visual Studio 2008


我遇到了这个奇怪的错误,其中提到我应该在安装SQL Server 2008开发人员版的过程中安装VSTS 2008 SP1.但是实际上我已经安装了VSTS 2008 SP1.任何想法有什么问题吗?

I got this weird error which mentions I should install VSTS 2008 SP1, during the process of installation of SQL Server 2008 developer edition. But actually I have VSTS 2008 SP1 installed. Any ideas what is wrong?



先谢谢了, 乔治

这是 KB文章对于该错误.这是另一个

Here's the KB article for that error. Here's another interesting article.

如果已安装多个Visual Studio产品,则必须将所有产品都升级到SP1.如果您拥有Visual Studio 2008和一个或多个2008 Express Edition,则必须先升级Visual Studio,然后才能升级Express Edition.

If you have multiple Visual Studio products installed, you must upgrade all of them to SP1. If you have Visual Studio 2008 and one or more 2008 Express Editions, you cannot upgrade the Express Editions until you have upgraded Visual Studio.

如果尚未安装Visual Studio 2008 RTM,但遇到此问题,是因为系统上安装了Visual Studio 2008 Shell(集成模式),但未在SP1级别上安装.这可能是因为它是从SQL Server 2008 CTP安装中遗留下来的.

If you have not installed Visual Studio 2008 RTM but have this problem it is because Visual Studio 2008 Shell (integrated mode) is installed on your system but not at the SP1 level. This is probably because it was left over from a SQL Server 2008 CTP installation.

您是否仔细检查了关于"框中是否有SP1?该Service Pack应该在已安装的产品"列表中.

Did you doublecheck if you have SP1 in the About box? The service pack should be in the list of "Installed products".