Visual Studio 2015 RC intellisense不显示参数列表

Visual Studio 2015 RC intellisense不显示参数列表


自CTP 6起,我一直在使用Visual Studio 2015,并且我注意到在键入开头的括号("时,IDE不会显示参数列表.

I have been using Visual Studio 2015 since CTP 6 and I have noticed that the IDE does not show the parameter list when I type the opening parenthesis "(".


在上面的屏幕截图中,您看到Create方法有两个重载,当我键入打开括号时会显示该重载.但是在Visual Studio CTP 6和RC中,什么也没有发生.我看不到重载或参数列表.

In the screenshot above you see the the Create method has two overloads and this displays when I type the open parenthesis. But in Visual Studio CTP 6 and RC, nothing happens. I cannot see the overloads or the parameter list.


Is this a bug? Is there anyway to fix this issue?

答案是:转到工具",选项",文本编辑器",所有语言",常规".然后检查以下选项(覆盖混合"检查): -自动列出成员 -参数信息

Here's the answer: Go to Tools, Options, Text Editor, All Languages, General. Then check the following options (override 'mixed' check): - Auto list members - Parameter information