




We have a requirement to process multiple files from different folders using Azure data factory and USQL. 


Here is the folder structure we have


Year --> Month --> Day

我们有一个用于每个日期的文件夹,例如1,2,3 ... 31.要求是从特定文件夹中读取文件,并将其传递给USQL进行分析处理.我们需要处理多个日期的数据.数据工厂中有什么方法可以从多个工厂读取数据 文件夹.

We have a folder for every date, say 1,2,3...31. The requirement is to read files from specific folders and pass it to USQL to do analytics processing. We need to process data for multiple dates. Is there any way in data factory we can read data from multiple folders. 


Example: I need to read data for the dates, 1,7 and 10 for a specific month. I do not want to read all the files for the month


Please let us know if you have come across a solution for the above scenario.

我们正在考虑使用一个无服务器组件将特定的日期文件移动到新文件夹(例如暂存),然后将暂存的文件夹路径作为USQL作业的输入,但是,如果我们有更好的方法,那么我们可以避免这种不必要的文件传输 在Azure数据湖存储中.

We were thinking to have a server-less component to move the specific date files to a new folder (say staged), then give the staged folder path as an input to USQL job, however if we get a better approach then we can avoid this un-necessary file transfer within Azure data lake store.


Hi Akhilesh,

要从多个文件复制数据,可以使用针对每个活动以包装复制活动.考虑到文件名在复制之前是已知的,您可以 构造一个文件名数组,并将其传递给" 这里是一个例子.希望能对您有所帮助.谢谢.

To copy data from multiple files, you could use a for each activity to wrap the copy activity. Consider the filenames are known before copy, you could construct an array of the filenames and pass it to "items" property in for each activity. Here is an example. Hope it'll help. Thanks.