在Visual Studio中跨项目添加和删除多个引用

在Visual Studio中跨项目添加和删除多个引用



I have a huge project with over 50 or 60 csproj files. I need to remove 6 or 7 references exiting references and add 10 or 15 new references across all these projects. Is there a mechansim to bulk add references and remove references?


Or if there is a way to say, replace reference X with Y across all projects, that would be very helpful too. Let me add that Nuget is not an option.


This one's easy: just write a script that opens up all your .proj files, removes the lines you don't need and add the lines you do. That's the easiest way. I think there are also options for writing plug-ins for VS or ReSharper, but both of these options are overkill. Project files are just XML files (=text files) after all, and can be treated as such.


Of course, if you find this to be a recurrent action, or if there is some conditional logic that you need to adhere to, then writing a plug-in is a sensible choice.