是否可以在 Arduino 上运行 ZeroMQ

是否可以在 Arduino 上运行 ZeroMQ


我想知道是否可以通过 ZeroMQ 与 Arduino 通信.我想使用 Arduino 来控制一些设备,并希望将大部分应用程序放在计算机上.为此,如果 Arduino 和控制器可以通过 zeromq 进行通信并说是 WiFi 或以太网屏蔽,那就太好了.这可能吗?

I'm wondering, whether it is possible to communicate with an Arduino via ZeroMQ. I want to use the Arduino to control some equipment and want to have most of the application sit on a computer. For that it would be nice if the Arduino and the controller could communicate via zeromq and say a WiFi or Ethernet shield. Is that possible?

特别是,考虑到 Arduino 板上的当前芯片,原则上是否可行,有没有人在这方面取得过成功?

In particular, is it in principle possible, given the current chips on the Arduino boards, and has anybody had success in that direction?

我认为在 Arduino 上实际运行 ZeroMQ 库并不容易.原因是 ZeroMQ 建立在 POSIX 或 Windows 网络 API 之上,而这些 API 在 Arduino 上不可用.

I don't think it will be easy to actually run the ZeroMQ library on an Arduino. The reason is that ZeroMQ is built on top of the POSIX or Windows networking APIs, which are not available on an Arduino.

允许您在主机端使用 ZeroMQ 的一个选项是实现(相当简单的)ZeroMQ 消息传输协议,并以这种方式与主机上的 ZeroMQ 通信.

What could be an option allowing you to use ZeroMQ on the host side, is to implement the (fairly trivial) ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol on the Arduino and talk to ZeroMQ on the host this way.