在提交多个表单(在Rails中)后,试图在显示Ajax之后再次显示JQuery Flash消息

在提交多个表单(在Rails中)后,试图在显示Ajax之后再次显示JQuery Flash消息


我有一个表单,可以简单地通过ajax添加新的密钥名称.我希望用户每次添加新键(而不是从弹出框)时都显示一条消息.我使用的是Ruby on Rails,因此,当数据成功添加到数据库时,将执行以下Jquery编码.

I have a form that simply adds a new key name through ajax. I want a message to show every time the user adds a new key (not from a popup box). I'm using Ruby on rails so the Jquery coding below is executed when the data is successfully added to the db.


This is the JQuery coding that runs after an ajax from submit.


$('#status-area').append("key added successfully");



  <div id="status-area"></div>


It works Just like I want for the first submit. Simply removing any previous text in the div and saying 'Key added successfully' then fading out. Problem is if I submit the form again a new key is added but the message doesn't show again.


It should run through this coding again on the second submission removing the old text and re appending the message but it doesn't.


这是正常行为,因为fadeOut将设置display: none

It's normal behaviour because fadeOut will set the display: none




$('#status-area').append("key added successfully");
