使用REST API将消息发送到.Net Core Core中的Azure服务总线队列

使用REST API将消息发送到.Net Core Core中的Azure服务总线队列


我想向.Net Core中的Azure Service Bus队列发送消息,但WindowsAzure.ServiceBus包与.Net Core不兼容.

I want to send a message to my Azure Service Bus Queue in .Net Core but the WindowsAzure.ServiceBus Package is not compatible with .Net Core.

任何人都可以告诉我如何使用REST API将消息发送到队列吗?

Can anyone show me how to send a message to the queue using the REST API?

当前客户端与.NET Core不兼容,即新客户端,正在进行中,是100%兼容的.预发行软件包将在4月3日提供,状态可以通过

While the current client is not .NET Core compatible, the new client, that is a work in progress, is 100% compatible. The pre-release package will be available on April 3rd and the status can be tracked here. You could pull down the course code and compile it already today with the caveat that API will be changing as the team is trying to flesh out the design details.