


我为我的应用启用推送通知。当我的应用程序运行时,如何在设置应用程序中读取通知的标志。由于某些原因,我需要知道某个特定通知(提醒,声音,徽章)是否设置为ON / OFF。

I am enabling push notification for my application. How can we read the flags for notification in "Settings" app when my app is Running. For some reasons, I need to know whether a particular notification (alert, sound, badge) is set to ON/OFF.


尝试引用此方法 [[UIApplication sharedApplication] enabledRemoteNotificationTypes]


It will return a UIRemoteNotificationType which you can work with to determine what is available.

UIRemoteNotificationType status = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] enabledRemoteNotificationTypes];

现在,状态可以使用 NSLog status =,status); ,我们可以准确地确定是什么。但是要做到这一点,我们需要了解UIRemoteNotificationType。

Now, status can be looked at as an int using NSLog(@"status = ", status);, to which we can determine exactly what is on. But to do this we need to understand UIRemoteNotificationType.

typedef enum {
   UIRemoteNotificationTypeNone    = 0,
   UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge   = 1 << 0,
   UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound   = 1 << 1,
   UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert   = 1 << 2,
   UIRemoteNotificationTypeNewsstandContentAvailability = 1 << 3
} UIRemoteNotificationType;


Without going into much detail, what you basically need to walk away from this knowing is that ...

  • 如果徽章已开启,请添加1

  • 如果声音已开启,请添加2

  • 如果提醒已开启,请添加4

  • 如果报亭内容可用,请添加8(我不会担心此人)

  • If badges are on, add 1
  • If sound is on, add 2
  • If alerts are on, add 4
  • If Newsstand Content is available, add 8 (I'm not going to worry about this guy)

假设您想知道徽章/声音/警报是否全部开启。 UIRemoteNotificationType(如果你正在玩的状态)应该是7.

Let's say you want to know if badges/sound/alerts are all on. The UIRemoteNotificationType (status if you are playing along) should come out to be 7.

现在,让我们向后工作。让我们说 status == 5 。只有一个设置配置可以给我们这个值,这是如果徽章和警报开启(徽章添加1,警报添加4,总是5),声音关闭。

Now, lets work backwards. Lets say that status == 5. There is only one configuration of settings that can give us this value, and that is if badges and alerts are on (badges add 1, alerts add 4, total is 5) and sound is off.

如果 status == 6 会怎么样?


Using IF statements, we can do something like

If (status == 5)
    NSLog(@"User has sound alerts disabled");
    [self fireThatSpecialMethod];


To run a set block of code, or fire a particular method for when sound is disabled, but everything else is on. Anyways, hope this response is helpful to people!