PDB文件与Visual Studio 10中的库

PDB文件与Visual Studio 10中的库


在MS Visual Studio 10中使用调试信息构建静态库( .LIB )时,
.PDB 总是命名为 vc100.pdb
(与构建 .DLL ,其中调试信息是 [MyProjectName] .pdb

When building a static library (.LIB) in MS Visual Studio 10 with debug information, the .PDB is always named vc100.pdb.
(as opposed to building a .DLL, where the debug info is [MyProjectName].pdb)

我试图复制几个不同的库(和他们的调试符号)到PublishedLibraries的目录,但所有 vc100.pdb $ c>名称明显相冲突。

This is a problem for me because I'm trying to copy several different libraries (and their debug symbols) to a directory of "PublishedLibraries", but all the vc100.pdb names obviously collide.

我确定我可以更改每个 .PDB 匹配 .LIB ,但对我来说更大的问题是为什么 Visual Studio认为 vc100.pdb 是比 projectA.pdb ??
如果所有名称冲突,我们如何使用来自多个库的Debug Info?

I'm sure I can change the names of each .PDB to match its .LIB, but for me the bigger question is why does Visual Studio think vc100.pdb is a better name than projectA.pdb??
How are we intended to work with Debug Info from multiple libraries if all the names conflict?

如果你使用/ Z7(而不是/ ZI或/ Zi) > Debug Information Format],那么调试信息嵌入在lib文件本身,而不是单独的pdb,这意味着你不需要担心相同的名称。

If you use /Z7 (instead of /ZI or /Zi) [ in the UI C/C++ -> General -> Debug Information Format] then the debug information is embedded in the lib file itself, instead of a separate pdb, which means you don't need to worry about the same name.


When you build your final executable (.exe or .dll) then you'll get a merged pdb from all the little embedded pdbs.


see this question for more info


Its the way I've always managed this issue on my team, as you can't lose the debug information during the build process. It bloats the libs somewhat [but no more in total than having both lib and pdb], but as you probably don't ship libs you shouldn't worry to much about this.