



On Aug 14th, the gtecybertrust5ca certifcate used by Glassfish expired causing my Arquillian tests to print errors.

此问题类似于此:通过启动Glassfish 3.1.2在日志中证书已过期 except,我通过Maven,Arquillian和SureFire使用Glassfish的 Embedded 版本运行单元和集成测试。

This problem is similar to this one: Certificate has expired" in log by starting Glassfish 3.1.2 except, I am using the Embedded version of Glassfish via Maven, Arquillian and SureFire to run unit and integration tests.


I have tried instructing Maven to use a local keystore, the one that comes with the JRE, in an effort to keep the expired cert from being used. I verified the expired certificate is not contained within this keystore:

C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\jre\lib\security>keytool -list -keystore cacerts


I instruct SureFire via Maven to start the JVM with arguments to use the cacerts trusted keystore:


      <!-- Configure the Embedded GlassFish Maven plugin -->


I also added JVM arguments where Maven is start within Maven's mvn.bat file:

@REM Use specified java cert trust
set MAVEN_OPTS=%MAVEN_OPTS%\jre\lib\security\cacerts



Here's the Surefire invocation of the JVM used to run the unit tests:

Forking command line: cmd.exe /X /C "C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\jre\bin\java\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\jre\lib\security\cacerts ..."
Running com.networkfleet.ssp.activation.SelectedActivationTableBeanTest


The command line args do seem to match the expected system properties Glassfish expects per its and com.sun.enterprise.server.pluggable.SecuritySupport classes:

public abstract class SecuritySupport {

public static final String KEYSTORE_PASS_PROP = "";
public static final String TRUSTSTORE_PASS_PROP = "";
public static final String KEYSTORE_TYPE_PROP = "";
public static final String TRUSTSTORE_TYPE_PROP = "";
public static final String keyStoreProp = "";
public static final String trustStoreProp = "";


However, they do not appear to be picked up by Glassfish, because the expired cert is still being found in whatever trusted keystore it defaults to.


I would really appreciate some help. Thanks.


I finally got to the bottom of the issue by tracing the Glassfish code that loads the certs. The embedded, at least, version ignores any passed in parameters and looks to its classpath to find the trusted key store to load. It then writes it to a temp location and instructs the server to load and use it.

为了摆脱错误消息,从它的临时位置抓取cacerts.jks(运行Maven并看到过期的异常后)我发现它在:C:\\ \\Users {myUserName} \AppData\Local\Temp\gfembed872323756359721458tmp\config \cacerts.jks

To get rid of the error messages, grab the cacerts.jks from its temp location (after running Maven and seeing the expired exception) I found it at: C:\Users{myUserName}\AppData\Local\Temp\gfembed872323756359721458tmp\config\cacerts.jks

将此文件复制到resources / config下的项目中/cacerts.jks(它需要加载到你的测试类路径)

Copy this file to your project under resources/config/cacerts.jks (it will need to be loaded into your test classpath)

在你复制密钥库的目录中的命令提示符下,使用你的jdk keytool过期密钥如下:

From the command prompt in the directory where you copied they keystore, use your jdk keytool to remove the expired key as follows:

keytool -delete -keystore cacerts.jks -alias gtecybertrust5ca

keytool -delete -keystore cacerts.jks -alias gtecybertrust5ca


The Embedded Glassfish should now pick up your updated keystore instead of its default hardcoded version.