如何在c#中将非托管结构指针转换为byte []?

如何在c#中将非托管结构指针转换为byte []?


请帮我在c#中将非托管结构指针转换为byte []?

Please help me to convert a unmanaged structure pointer to byte[] in c#?

public struct struct1
    public byte a; 
    public int b; 

struct1 objstruct= new struct1();
struct1* ptrStruct=&objstruct;

如何我可以转换ptrStructo byte []吗?


how can i convert ptrStructo byte[]?

please help me


Why you have to convert ? Just create your own class is as below and use it for your app.

public class ClassName
    public byte [] a { get; set; }
    public int b { get; set; }


I hope this will help to you.

如果您需要将一个托管结构传递给非托管代码,您可以像在以下示例中那样进行(取自:MSDN [ ^ ]):

If you need to pass one managed structure to unmanaged code you could do it like in the foollowing example (taken from: MSDN[^]):

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public struct Point {
    public int x;
    public int y;

public struct Rect {
    [FieldOffset(0)] public int left;
    [FieldOffset(4)] public int top;
    [FieldOffset(8)] public int right;
    [FieldOffset(12)] public int bottom;

class Win32API {
    public static extern bool PtInRect(ref Rect r, Point p);

如果你想将数组传递给非托管函数,这也有帮助: MSDN [ ^ ]

用于从Windows API中使用函数pinvoke.net/ [ ^ ]有非常有用的资源和您可以使用的示例代码。

If you want to pass the array to the unmanaged function this could also help: MSDN[^]

For consuming functions from windows APIs pinvoke.net/[^] has very usefull resources and sample code you could use.