无法使用Selenium Webdriver打开具有指定URL的浏览器

无法使用Selenium Webdriver打开具有指定URL的浏览器


无法使用Selenium Webdriver中指定的URL打开Firefox浏览器.仅浏览器在没有URL的情况下打开.

Unable to open firefox browser with specified url in selenium webdriver. Only the browser is opening without the url.

Firefox版本为47. 硒版本为2.53.

Firefox version is 47. Selenium version is 2.53.


There are two ways to solve your problem.


1- You can downgrade your firefox by reinstalling and select Never check for updates (not recommended: security risk) in your firefox by nevigate through


2-如果要使用当前版本的firefox,即47,则应尝试使用MarionetteDriver ...,方法是遵循

2- if you want to working with current version of firefox which is 47 you should try with MarionetteDriver...by following this


If you have any problem with this let me know...:)