如何使用Selenium WebDriver将鼠标悬停在隐藏的菜单上而不执行任何鼠标单击操作?

如何使用Selenium WebDriver将鼠标悬停在隐藏的菜单上而不执行任何鼠标单击操作?


如何使用Selenium Webdriver进行鼠标悬停/悬停以查看隐藏的菜单而不执行任何鼠标单击操作?

How to do a mouse hover/over using selenium webdriver to see the hidden menu without performing any mouse clicks?

我正在测试网站上的一个隐藏菜单,该菜单仅在鼠标悬停/悬停时显示. 注意:如果执行任何点击,页面将被重定向,因此请提出一种无需点击的解决方案

There is a hidden menu on website which i am testing that only appears on mouse hover/over. Note: if any clicks is performed, page is redirected so please suggest a solution without click


IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver()
Actions builder = new Actions(driver)


// this makes sure the element is visible before you try to do anything
// for slow loading pages
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
var element = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.Id(elementId)));

Actions action  = new Actions(driver);