使用Visual Studio 2013的C编译器进行MATLAB

使用Visual Studio 2013的C编译器进行MATLAB


我使用 mex -setup 命令将Visual Studio 2013添加为MATLAB的默认C编译器。我添加了Visual Studio 2013使用我在互联网上找到的下载与以下说明。

I added Visual Studio 2013 as the default C compiler for MATLAB using the mex -setup command. I added Visual Studio 2013 using a download I found on the internet with the following instructions.

The files 
  * msvc120engmatopts.bat
  * msvc120opts.bat
  * msvc120opts.stp
should be copied to C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\win64\mexopts .

The files 
  * msvc120compp.bat
  * msvc120compp.stp
should be copied to C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\bin\win64\mbuildopts .


My version of MATLAB is R2011b, so I replaced the path appropriately.


Here's me using it to run a C function to verify if the compiler has been linked.


href =http://*.com/a/12450944/1154689> answer

I found out about this method from this answer.


However, when I use a MATLAB function within a Simulink Model, I get the following error message just like I did before I linked the VS2013 compiler to MATLAB.

Unable to locate a C-compiler required by Stateflow and MATLAB Function blocks.
Use 'mex -setup' to select a supported C-compiler.

好的,所以唯一适用于我的版本的 MATLABR2011b 是Microsoft SDK 7.1,因为其他编译器对Windows 7 64位太旧。不支持MinGW-64位。虽然它在MATLAB上工作,但不被Stateflow识别。

Okay, so the only thing that works for my version of MATLAB "R2011b" is Microsoft SDK 7.1 since the other compilers are too old for Windows 7 64 bit. MinGW-64 bit is unsupported. Although it works on MATLAB it is not recognized by Stateflow.

所以我只是从 这里

So I just downloaded the .iso file from here.


If you face any difficulty while installing the SDK, then try this.