加载slf4j LoggerFactory时,websphere classloader给出java.lang.LinkageError

加载slf4j LoggerFactory时,websphere classloader给出java.lang.LinkageError



[I originally posted this on the websphere forums bot didn't see a timely response. I'm re-posting here with slightly more content]


我在我们的企业应用程序(即".ear")中添加了一个jar(称为"Foo.jar"),创建了清单条目等,令我惊讶的是,当我的EJB实例化FooClient时, Websphere在org.slf4j.LoggerFactory上引发了java.lang.LinkageError

I added a jar (call it "Foo.jar") to our enterprise application (i.e. ".ear"), created the manifest entry, etc., and found, to my surprise, that when my EJB instantiated FooClient, websphere threw a java.lang.LinkageError upon org.slf4j.LoggerFactory


I've added classloader debugging to the trace and did not find much. I was hoping to see "where WAS actually found the slf4j class". Here are the entries:

[9/24/14 16:23:01:417 CDT] 00000067 CompoundClass >  loadClass org.slf4j.LoggerFactory this=com.ibm.ws.classloader.CompoundClassLoader@5c2687e4[app:yourappServer] Entry

[9/24/14 16:23:01:418 CDT] 00000067 CompoundClass <  loadClass org.slf4j.LoggerFactory java.lang.LinkageError: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory Exit

我已经检查了was8目录,并找到了slf4j jar的各种副本/版本.

I've checked my was8 directory and found various copies/versions of the slf4j jar.




Another developer told me "you won't be able to use Foo.jar" because we would need to put "Parent_last" and that's not an option for this project currently.


  • Websphere
  • RAD 9


  • java.lang.LinkageError:这是类加载器问题"还是类的版本错误"问题?我对错误版本的类"问题的经验通常会看到"NoSuchMethod"错误,而不是实例化异常.

  • java.lang.LinkageError : is this a 'classloader problem' or 'wrong version of class' problem? My experience with "wrong version of class" problems I usually see "NoSuchMethod" errors, not instantiation exceptions.



我阅读了一些有关共享库和隔离类加载器"的信息,这似乎是解决方案.但是由于某种原因,当我将共享库与应用程序或模块相关联时,我的RAD/Eclipse UI似乎不被保存,因为它没有保存".随后消失了.

I read a bit about shared libraries and "isolated classloader" and this seemed the solution. However for some reason, my RAD/Eclipse UI seems broken as it does not 'save' when I associate the shared library with an application or module. It subsequently disappears.



Check the version of SL4J expected by Foo.jar and the one you are using: they are surely different. Ensure the correct version has precedence in your classpath: you can put it in WEB-INF/lib but also check that you have just one version of it in WEB-INF/lib.

要发现您正在使用哪个SL4J jar,可以运行

To discover which SL4J jar you are using you can run

java -verbose:class ....


and the JVM will dump out what it's loading, and from where.


You say "I usually see NoSuchMethod errors" instead of LinkageError; in this case the method exists but has some other incompatibility.