如何在 Selenium Chrome Python 中设置窗口大小

如何在 Selenium Chrome Python 中设置窗口大小


以下用于调整 selenium chrome 窗口大小的代码不起作用:

The following code to resize a selenium chrome window does not work:

driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080)
size = driver.get_window_size()
print("Window size: width = {}px, height = {}px.".format(size["width"], size["height"]))


Window size: width = 1044px, height = 788px


I've also tried using options to set the window size on driver creation (and lots of other things, seem comments below), but can't get it to work either:


我正在使用 selenium 3.14.0、chrome 驱动程序版本 72.0.3626.109 并在后台/无头模式下运行:我确实需要在后台运行我的代码,这意味着它会在后台自动启动.我认为无头(启动时与特定用户相关联)和背景(也是无头但可能与特定用户无关并且可能具有其他特质)之间存在细微差别 - 我开始认为这可能成为我问题的一部分.

I am using selenium 3.14.0, chrome driver version 72.0.3626.109 and running in background / headless mode: I am literally needing to run my code in background, meaning it launches automatically in the background. I think there is a subtle difference between headless, which when launched is associated with a particular user, and background, which is also headless but may not be associated with a particular user and may have other idiosyncrasies - I'm starting to think this may be part of my issue.

我想让 chrome 驱动程序工作,因为 Firefox 不在后台运行(我需要),而且 ie 很痛苦.

I'd like to get chrome driver to work because firefox does not run in the background (which I need), and ie is a pain.


I want to figure this out because I can't see an element I need to click when the window is so small.

有点不清楚为什么以及到底卡在哪里.可能额外的 .height = {}px. 正在制造混乱.也许与 -headless 参数一起,我可以设置/检索 Chrome 浏览器 Window Size 如下:

A bit unclear why and exactly where you are stuck. Possibly the extra . as in height = {}px. is creating the chaos. Perhaps along with -headless argument I am able to set/retrieve the Chrome browser Window Size as follows:

  • 代码块:

  • Code Block:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options

options = Options()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options, executable_path=r'C:UtilityBrowserDriverschromedriver.exe', service_args=["--log-path=./Logs/DubiousDan.log"])
print ("Headless Chrome Initialized")
driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080)
size = driver.get_window_size()
print("Window size: width = {}px, height = {}px".format(size["width"], size["height"]))

  • 控制台输出:

  • Console Output:

    Headless Chrome Initialized
    {'width': 1400, 'height': 600}
    Window size: width = 1920px, height = 1080px

  • 您可以在以下位置找到几个关于窗口大小的相关讨论:

    You find a couple of relevant discussion on window size in: