Scala 如何为地图编写 get(name:String, type:Class)

Scala 如何为地图编写 get(name:String, type:Class)


我希望能够有一个 [String,Any] 类型的地图实现,我可以在其中存储不同类的对象,然后我希望能够做到

I want to be able to have a map implementation of type [String,Any] in which i can store objects of different classes then i want to be able to do

import app.User;
usr = map.getAs("user",User)// with usr being an object of Class/Object User. If user is not of that type it throws an exception.


where user was previously stored in the map.



I can even be a standalone method e.g

 usr = getAs(map,"user",User)


您可以使用 ClassTag.我对此没有太多经验,但应该可以:

You can use ClassTag. I don't have a lot of experience with it, but something like that should work:

def getAs[T: ClassTag](m: Map[String, Any], key: String): T = 


val map = Map[String, Any]("one" -> 1, "hello"-> "world")
getAs[String](map, "hello")
res1: String = world

我让您处理异常,您可以简单地将 asInstanceOf 包装在 Try 中,或者您喜欢的任何策略.我还建议将返回类型更改为 Option[T].

I let you deal with the exception, you can simply wrap the asInstanceOf in a Try, or whichever strategy you prefer. I also recommend changing the return type to Option[T].