


Please i want to loop through my table and compare values with an array in a php included file. If there is a match, return the array key of the matched item and replace it with the value of the table. I need help in returning the array keys from the include file and comparing it with the table values.

    $myarray = array(
    "33ccr"=>"wood" );

in my loop in a seperate file

      include '';
      while($row = $db->fetchAssoc()){
      foreach($row as $key => $val)
         if $val has a match in
             $val = str_replace($val,my_array_key);


So in essence, if my db table has hammer and wood, $val will produce 12aaa and 3ccr in the loop. Any help? Thanks a lot

我想循环遍历我的表并将值与php包含的文件中的数组进行比较。 如果匹配,则返回匹配项的数组键,并将其替换为表的值。 我需要帮助从包含文件返回数组键并将其与表值进行比较。 p>

  $ myarray = array(
“12aaa”=>“hammer”  ,
  code>  pre> 

在我的循环中的单独文件中 p>

 while($ row = $ db-> fetchAssoc()){
 foreach($ row as $ key =  > $ val)
如果$ val在 
 $ val = str_replace($ val,my_array_key); 
  code  >  pre> 

所以从本质上讲,如果我的db表有锤子和木头,$ val将在循环中产生12aaa和3ccr。 有帮助吗? 非常感谢 p> div>

You are looking for array_search which will return the key associated with a given value, if it exists.

$result = array_search( $val, $myarray );
if ($result !== false) {
  $val = $result;

your array should look like

 $myarray = array(
    "wood"=>"33ccr" );

and code

if (isset($myarray[$key])){
    //do stuff

I think you need the function in_array($val, $myarray);

If you don't want or can't change $myarray structure like @genesis proposed, you can make use of array_flip

include '';
$myarray = array_flip($myarray);
while($row = $db->fetchAssoc()) {
    foreach($row as $key => $val) {
        if (isset($myarray[$val])) {
            // Maybe you should use other variable instead of $val to avoid confusion
            $val = $myarray[$val]; 

            // Rest of your code