SATO打印机打印 windows应用程序

SATO打印机打印 windows应用程序


如何从 Windows应用程序中打印SATO打印机中的标签。通常我是通过将控件放在一个表单中并使用我能够在普通打印机中打印的打印文档和图形进行打印。但是在安装SATO打印机驱动程序之后,我甚至看不到打印预览。

How can I print labels in SATO printer from my windows application. Normally I was printing by placing the controls in a form and using print document and graphics I was able to print in normal printers. But after installing SATO printer driver even I could not see the print preview.


Sato Printers if ethernet based can just use a ASCII string sent to it through IP and PORT(9100). Example of code below:

public static bool SendPrintJob(string sendString, string ipAddress, int port)
            bool bReturn = true;

            if (port <= 0)
                port = 9100;

            Socket sock = null;

                IPEndPoint remoteIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress), port);
                sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
                IAsyncResult results = sock.BeginConnect(remoteIP, null, null);
                bool success = results.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(5000, true);

                if (!sock.Connected)
                    //Raise error message to user that printer failed to print
                    bReturn = false;

                    //Socket error occured
                    Log.WriteToErrorLog("Error in socket connection: Could not connect to printer.", "", "Socket Error: SendPrintJob");
                    byte[] sendData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sendString);
                    int result = sock.Send(sendData, sendData.Length, 0);

                    if (result == 0)
                        //Raise error message to user that printer failed to print
                        bReturn = false;

                        //Socket error occured
                        Log.WriteToErrorLog("Error in socket transmission: Could not send data to printer.", "", "Socket Error: SendPrintJob");

                return bReturn;
                if (sock != null)