



I have one custom made device for measuring current. This device can be connected to PC and communication is done over USB. It is based on FTDI chip. I have application written in Java and that application is using rxtxSerial.dll library and gnu.io.rxtx_2.1.7.4.jar. Now I want to port this application on my android device and I'm litte bit confused what to do that? All I have is android tablet (os version 4.1.1), OTG cable and this measuring device.

我的设备应该植根吗?我可以简单地添加到Java Android应用程序中并通过USB读取数据的任何类型的库吗?从哪里开始?

Should my device be rooted? Is there any kind of library that I can simply add to my Java Android application and read data over USB? Where to start?


I have tried to port existing application for PC using same library, but rxtxSerial.dll is missing and I can't transfer it to my android device.


I can really recommend the USB-Serial-For-Android library, it supports multiple popular usb-to-serial chips (also FTDI) and there is no rooting required. Check out the GitHub project here.