
I have this SQL query.

$sql = "SELECT playerjson FROM `clans` WHERE playercount > ? AND level > ? AND score > ?";
$selectstmt = $con->prepare($sql);
$selectstmt->execute(); //execute select statement 
$result = $selectstmt->get_result(); //get select statement results

playerjson is a large JSON Array.

            "userName":"Valen kamja",
            "userName":"chey lie",

What I want to do is just store the userid and currenthomeid and store them in an array which will be in a parent array...

Because from that I will need to get the child array and pass those one by one as parameters in a url. explode wouldn't work with this would it?

How would I go about achieving this? Also I need a way to improve the SQL Statement so that I don't retrieve the entire JSON like that as it could take longer?

Decode the result string and iterate over it as stdClasses :

$json = json_decode($result);
$parent = array();
foreach($json as $item) {
    $parent[] = array('userId' => $item->avatar->userId, 'currentHomeId' => $item->avatar->currentHomeId);

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

will produce :

    [0] => Array
            [user] => 253404325847
            [currentHomeId] => 253404325847

    [1] => Array
            [user] => 158925253577
            [currentHomeId] => 158925253577

etc. To pass $parent as a URL string you could simply use json_encode to stringify it :

$url = '?values='.json_encode($parent);

gives ?values=[{"user":253404325847,"currentHomeId":253404325847},{"user":158925253577," etc...

This will automatically be escaped, you can read the array back in javascript clientside with

var value = window.location.href.split('?values=')[1],
    array = JSON.parse(unescape(value));


you now have the array as JSON objects clientside. There is many ways you could do this. This was just a quick suggesion.

What you have is a json encoded atrray. So use json_decode() to decode it.

    $arr1 = json_decode($result);

    foreach ($arr1 as $row) {
        echo $row->avatar->userId."-------".$row->avatar->currentHomeId."<br>" ;