


我有一个词典&LT;字符串,整数&GT; dictionary1 ,我需要将其转换成列表<数据&GT; ,其中数据的性能拉布勒 = dictionary1.key和 = dictionary1.value。我不想使用for / foreach循环(我自己写的),因为为了避免它,我想使用的字典。

I have a Dictionary<string,int> dictionary1 and I need to convert it into a List<Data> where Data has the properties lable = dictionary1.key and value = dictionary1.value. I don't want to use a for/foreach loop (written by myself) because in order to avoid it I am trying to use a Dictionary.

另一个选择是有两个不同的字典(dictionary2和dictionary3),其中 dictionary2&LT;字符串,keyOfDictionary1&GT; dictionary3&LT;字符串,valueOfDictionary1&GT;

Another option would be having two different dictionaries (dictionary2 and dictionary3) where dictionary2<string,keyOfDictionary1> and dictionary3<string,valueOfDictionary1>.

我有意义吗?那可能吗? ?有没有更好的选择。

Do I make sense? Is that possible? Is there a better option?


class Data
    public string Label { get; set; }

    public int Value { get; set; }



Dictionary<string, int> dic;
List<Data> list = dic.Select(p => new Data { Label = p.Key, Value = p.Value }).ToList();