


123456 12-12 3456

How do I automatically convert the text into the Textarea field?

123456 | 12 | 12 | 3456

automatically corrected. How can I do this in Textarea?

  123456 12-12 3456 
  code>  pre> 

如何自动将文本转换为Textarea字段? p>

  123456 |  12 |  12 |  3456 
  code>  pre> 

自动更正。 如何在Textarea中执行此操作? p> div>

You can attach a keyup event listener on your textarea and modifying it's content by splitting based on 1 or more non-digit characters and joining them with your desired pipe(|) symbol.

   var content = this.value.split(/[^\d]+/);
   this.value = content.join(" | ");
<textarea rows='10' cols='50' id='some_id'>

Ok, so as discussed in the comments, for your credit card formatting, you can do something like below:

       var content = this.value;
       var new_content = '';
       var temp_content = '';
       var current_length = 0;
       for(var i=0;i<content.length;++i){
           if('0123456789'.indexOf(content.charAt(i)) != -1){
               temp_content += content.charAt(i);
           if(current_length === 25){
              new_content += insertPipeForCreditCardFormat(temp_content) + '
              temp_content = '';
              current_length = 0;
       this.value = new_content + temp_content;

function insertPipeForCreditCardFormat(credit_card){
   var pipe_indices = new Set([16,18,22]);
   var card_format = '';
    for(var i=0;i<credit_card.length;++i){
        card_format += '|';
      card_format += credit_card.charAt(i);      
    return card_format;
<textarea id='some_id' rows='10' cols='50'></textarea>


Use replace:


const str = "123456 12-12 3456";
const replaced = str.replace(/\-|\s/g, " | ");
