


I've received a boolean from a query, and I want to check if the boolean's value is greater than zero. Is it possible to modify the approach used when handling resources to check a boolean's value? (See; example of resource handling below:)

return (mysql_result($query, 0) == 1) ? true : false;

Any help appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Since PHP would interpret as a string, you can simply cast it as (bool)

return (bool)(mysql_result($query, 0));

Non-zero values will cast as TRUE. Note that you should only do this if the return values are 0 or 1. Negative values will cast as TRUE.

// bool(true)
// bool(false)
// bool(true)

Just do return mysql_result($query, 0) == 1;

Don't do something like return $a_boolean_value ? true : false;.

I've received a boolean from a query

that is not true. you can't get boolean from the query but merely a string.

I want to check if the boolean's value is greater than zero.

  1. booleans cannot be measured in that way. boolean can be either true or false. or, it you like it - zero or non-zero. not "greater" but just "not".

  2. 'greater than' operator in PHP is >. so, you can use it in your expression instead of equal operator(== one)