


我正在使用Xcode中的ID3框架(它已经消失在网络的表面 - 包括google缓存!)。

I'm working with the ID3 framework in Xcode (which has since disappeared off the face of the web - including google cache!).

导出mp3功能,允许他们在导入时编辑标签。其中一个测试用例是没有正确的id3标题的损坏或无效的mp3。我遇到的问题是,当更新无效mp3( updateFile:)的标签时,ID3框架尝试使用 id3V1Tag.m (我认为它会回到这,如果它找不到v2标签)这是我得到Xcode错误(运行程序,而不是建立):

I'm testing out an import mp3 feature which allows them to edit the tags as they import them. One of the test cases is a corrupt or invalid mp3 with no proper id3 header. The problem I'm having is that when updating the tags of the invalid mp3 (updateFile:), the ID3 framework attempts to use id3V1Tag.m (I assume it falls back to this if it can't find the v2 tag) and this is where I get the Xcode error (whilst running the program, not building):


我尝试过一个try / catch块,但它不是被视为异常,因此不会被捕获。加载文件的标签数据的函数返回一个BOOL,但它似乎只有在给定文件不存在时才返回false,所以这也没有帮助。

I've tried putting a try/catch block around it but it's not treated as an exception so doesn't get caught. The function to load the tag data for the file returns a BOOL but it appears this only returns false if the given file doesn't exist, so this doesn't help either.


[tagData release];
tagData = [[TagAPI alloc] initWithGenreList:nil];
tagsLoaded = [tagData examineFile:exportPath];
if(tagsLoaded) {
    [tagData setTitle:title];
    [tagData setArtist:artist];
    [tagData setComments:comments];
    @try {
        [tagData updateFile];
    @catch (id e){


The error you're getting is that Xcode is trying to locate your source file id3V1Tag.m in order to show it during debugging. No code you write will affect this.


If you don't have the id3V1Tag.m source file in your framework distro, there's nothing you can do about this, and there's little to do but ignore it (other than seeing if you can avoid causing it to be requested, like not setting a breakpoint in it, not stepping into it, and not crashing in it).


If you do have it, and are building it, then perhaps you're not building with the right debug information, so you'll have to tell us more about your build setup.