更新日期 &通过python进入MySQL的时间

更新日期 &通过python进入MySQL的时间


我正在尝试更新我的日期 &我的 MySQLdb 数据库中的时间列.我有 2 列名称为 date1 和 time1,并且都是 TEXT 类型.这是我的python代码

I am trying to update my date & time columns in my MySQLdb database. I have 2 columns by the name date1 and time1 and both are type TEXT. This is my python code

import MySQLdb
import datetime

db = MySQLdb.connect('localhost','admin','admin','dbname')
cur = db.cursor()

a = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.date.today(),'%Y-%m-%d'))
cur.execute('update Data set date1={0}'.format(a))


But after this code executes I see the value in the column set as '2000'.

我在 MySQL 中尝试了几种日期类型 - varchar2、date、datetime,但它们总是显示为2000"或0000-00-00".

I tried several datetypes in MySQL - varchar2, date, datetime but they always show as '2000' or '0000-00-00'.

当我直接运行这个 sql 查询时,它工作正常:

When I run this sql query directly it works fine:

UPDATE `Data` SET `date1`='22-04-1994'


I googled this error and tried this:

a = datetime.date.today()
a = a.isoformat()

但它在数据库中显示为 2000.

But it shows in the database as 2000.

我尝试使用 {0} 而不是 +a.仍然是 2000 年.

I tried using {0} instead of +a. Still coming as 2000.

我使用的是 Mysql 版本 5.5.51-38.2

I am using Mysql version 5.5.51-38.2


Think what your query does, since you concatenate strings. You can even print it out. Since you don't put the date into quotes it will be considered a calculation. So you're saying:


这当然是 2000,但你想要

This is of course 2000, but you want



The best way is to use parameters so the underlying system is doing all this for you rather than you concatenating strings and trying to escape them correctly.