


async-await 模式是.NET中功能更强大的功能之一4.5和C#5.0

The async-await pattern is one of the more powerful additions to .NET 4.5 and C# 5.0


It is currently only available in C# and VB as far as I know.

此API是.NET CLR还是C#编译器本身的功能?

Is this API a feature of the .NET CLR or of the C# compiler itself?


What I'm really asking is this - should we expect async/await in the other .NET languages such as:

  • C ++(通过C ++/CLI)
  • Python(通过IronPython)
  • PHP(通过Phalanger)
  • JavaScript(通过IronJS)


Please note I'm not asking about asynchronous programming in general, but about the specifics of the async-await pattern (asynchronous code which is written synchronously).

此API是.NET CLR还是C#编译器本身的功能?

Is this API a feature of the .NET CLR or of the C# compiler itself?


This is a feature of the compiler. There were no CLR changes required to support async and await. Other languages would need to be extended to support it. There is nothing preventing a compiler from doing this, but it would have to be changed in the compiler and language itself.

C ++确实通过task支持某些 Windows Store应用程序中的异步/then,尽管它不如C#和VB中的async/await关键字有用.

C++ does support some asynchrony in Windows Store applications via task/then, though it's not as usable as the async/await keywords in C# and VB.


It is currently only available in C# and VB as far as I know


Note that F# also has async support (which predates the C# and VB.Net versions by quite a bit). It is different than the C# style async support, but similar (and inspired the C# and VB.Net teams).