C#Polly async-await:在重试之前等待用户确认

C#Polly async-await:在重试之前等待用户确认



I'm creating a Xamarin.Forms app for iOS and Android where I am keeping data and a local sqlite database and online in an Azure server. Although my app requires an internet connection which it is always checking with the Connectivity plugin, I've found that I will sometimes have an exception thrown if a user loses cell reception mid request.


I want to have a method I can call all my server requests to that will retry the request if an error occurs. I would also like the ability to ask the user for input before retrying. The flow would look like this:


Call to server --> Exception Caught --> Ask user if they want to retry --> Retry

我找到了 Polly 程序包,该程序包可以处理C#中的try/catch重试.我目前的代码设置如下:

I found the Polly package which is setup to handle try/catch retries in C#. I currently have my code setup like this:

public class WebExceptionCatcher<T, R> where T : Task<R>
    public async Task<R> runTask(Func<T> myTask)
        Policy p = Policy.Handle<WebException>()
        .RetryForeverAsync(onRetryAsync: async (e,i) => await RefreshAuthorization());

        return await p.ExecuteAsync<R>(myTask);


My RefreshAuthorization() method simply displays a DisplayAlert on the current page on the main thread:

private async Task RefreshAuthorization()
    bool loop = true;
    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
        await DisplayAlert("Connection Lost", "Please re-connect to the internet and try again", "Retry");
        loop = false;

    while (loop)
        await Task.Delay(100); 

当我调试它并切断我的互联网连接时. DisplayAlert从不显示.发生两件事之一:

When I debug this and cut my internet connection. The DisplayAlert is never shown. One of two things happens:

  1. 执行继续不停地反复调用我的任务
  2. 抛出System.AggregateException并显示以下消息:
  1. The execution continues to call my task over and over without completing
  2. A System.AggregateException is thrown with the following message:

System.AggregateException: A Task's exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or accessing its Exception property. As a result, the unobserved exception was rethrown by the finalizer thread. ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request


Does anyone know how to successfully pause execution when a Task fails, and wait for the user to resume?



After putting the call to DisplayAlert inside of the Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread method, I now have found a way around the AggregateException. However, now I have another problem.


Once I disconnect from the internet, the DisplayAlert pops up like it is supposed to. The program waits for me to click retry before finishing the onRetry function so the RetryForeverAsync waiting is working correctly. The issue is that if I reconnect to the internet and then hit retry, it fails again, and again, and again. So even though I'm connected to the internet, I'm stuck in an infinite loop of being asked to reconnect. It seems that RetryForeverAsync is simply re-throwing the old exception.


Here is how I'm calling runTask():

Task<TodoItem> t = App.MobileService.GetTable<TodoItem>().LookupAsync(id);
WebExceptionCatcher<Task<TodoItem>, TodoItem> catcher = new WebExceptionCatcher<Task<TodoItem>, TodoItem>();


I've then tried two different ways of calling runTask, both with the same result of failing the retry when connection is re-established:

TodoItem item = await catcher.runTask(() => t);


TodoItem item = await catcher.runTask(async () => await t);


You need to use .RetryForeverAsync(...) as a commentor noted. Then, since your on-retry delegate is async, you also need to use onRetryAsync:. Thus:

.RetryForeverAsync(onRetryAsync: async (e,i) => await RefreshAuthorization());


To explain the errors you saw: In the code sample in the question, by using onRetry:, you are specifying that you want to use a synchronous onRetry delegate (returning void), but then assigning an async delegate to it.

这将导致异步委托分配给同步参数成为async void;调用代码不能/不能等待.由于不等待async void委托,因此确实会不断地重试您执行的委托.

That causes the async-delegate-assigned-to-sync-param to become async void; calling code doesn't/can't wait for that. Since the async void delegate isn't waited for, your executed delegate would indeed be continuously retried.

System.AggregateException: A Task's exception(s) were not observed可能是由于此原因引起的,也可能是由于myTask的签名中的某些不匹配(发布此答案时在q中不可用)引起的.

The System.AggregateException: A Task's exception(s) were not observed could be caused by that, or could be caused by some mismatch in the signature of myTask (not available in the q at the time of posting this answer).


EDIT in response to UPDATE to question and further comments:



It seems that RetryForeverAsync is simply re-throwing the old exception.


I know (as the Polly author/maintainer) that Polly certainly calls the passed Func<Task<R>> each time round the loop, and will only rethrow whatever exception that fresh execution of the Func<Task<R>> throws. See the async retry implementation: it retries the user delegate afresh each time round the retry loop.


You could try something like the following (temporary, diagnostic) amendment to your calling code, to see if RefreshAuthorization() is now genuinely blocking the calling policy code from continuing execution, while it waits for the user to click retry.

public class WebExceptionCatcher<T, R> where T : Task<R>
    public async Task<R> runTask(Func<T> t)
        int j = 0;
        Policy p = Policy.Handle<WebException>()
        .RetryForeverAsync(onRetryAsync: async (e,i) => await RefreshAuthorization());

        return await p.ExecuteAsync<R>( async () => 
            if ((j % 5) == 0) Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
                 await DisplayAlert("Making retry "+ i, "whatever", "Ok");
            await myTask;

如果RefreshAuthorization())正确阻止,您将需要关闭五次Connection Lost弹出窗口,然后显示Making retry 5对话框.

If RefreshAuthorization()) is blocking correctly, you will need to dismiss the Connection Lost popup five times before the Making retry 5 dialog is displayed.

如果RefreshAuthorization())没有阻止调用代码,则在重新连接并首先关闭Connection Lost对话框之前,该策略将继续在后台进行多次(失败)尝试.如果这种情况成立,那么只需关闭一次Connection Lost弹出窗口,然后您会在下一个Connection Lost弹出窗口之前看到弹出窗口Making retry 5Making retry 10(等等;可能还会更多).

If RefreshAuthorization()) is not blocking the calling code, the policy would have continued making multiple (failing) tries in the background before you reconnected and first dismissed the Connection Lost dialog. If this scenario holds, then dismissing the Connection Lost popup just once, you would then see popups Making retry 5, Making retry 10 (etc; possibly more), before the next Connection Lost popup.


Use this (temporary, diagnostic) amendment should also demonstrate that Polly is executing your passed delegate afresh each time. If the same exceptions are being thrown by myTask, that may be a problem with myTask - we may need to know more about it, and dig deeper there.


UPDATE in response to originator's second update starting "Here is how I'm calling runTask():"


So: you have been assuming retries are failing, but you have constructed code that doesn't actually make any retries.


The source of the remaining problem is these two lines:

Task<TodoItem> t = App.MobileService.GetTable<TodoItem>().LookupAsync(id);
TodoItem item = await catcher.runTask(() => t); // Or same effect: TodoItem item = await catcher.runTask(async () => await t);


This only ever calls App.MobileService.GetTable<TodoItem>().LookupAsync(id) once per traversal of these lines of code, regardless of the Polly policy (or equally if you had used a hand-built while or for loop for retries).


A Task instance is not 're-runnable': an instance of Task can only ever represent a single execution. In this line:

Task<TodoItem> t = App.MobileService.GetTable<TodoItem>().LookupAsync(id);

您只需调用一次LookupAsync(id),并将一个Task实例分配给t实例,该实例表示LookupAsync正在运行以及(一次完成或出错)该执行的结果.然后在第二行中构造一个lambda () => t,该lambda () => t始终返回相同的Task实例,表示该执行. (t的值从不改变,并且每次func返回它时,它仍然表示LookupAsync(id)的首次执行结果.)因此,如果由于没有互联网连接而导致第一个呼叫失败,则您使Polly重试策略所做的只是保持await -ing一个Task来表示首次唯一执行的失败,因此原始失败的确被抛弃.

you call LookupAsync(id) just once, and assign into t a Task instance that represents that LookupAsync running and (when it completes or faults) the outcome of that one execution. In the second line you then construct a lambda () => t that always returns that same instance of Task, representing that one execution. (The value of t never changes, and each time the func returns it, it still represents the result of that first-and-only execution of LookupAsync(id).). So, if the first call fails because there is no internet connection, all you have made the Polly retry policy do is keep await-ing a Task representing that first-and-only execution's failure, so the original failure indeed keeps getting rethrown.


To take Task out of the picture to illustrate the problem, it's a bit like writing this code:

int i = 0;
int j = i++;
Func<int> myFunc = () => j;
for (k=0; k<5; k++) Console.Write(myFunc());


and expecting it to print 12345 rather than (what it will print, the value of j five times) 11111.


To make it work, simply:

TodoItem item = await catcher.runTask(() => App.MobileService.GetTable<TodoItem>().LookupAsync(id));


Then each invocation of the lambda will call .LookupAsync(id) afresh, returning a new instance of Task<ToDoItem> representing that fresh call.