返回期待值会返回一个Promise吗? (es7 async / await)

返回期待值会返回一个Promise吗? (es7 async / await)


const ret = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout( () => resolve('somestring'), 1000));

async function wrapper() {
    let someString = await ret();
    return someString;

console.log( wrapper() );

它记录承诺{< pending> } ;

我正在使用Babel ES7预设为编译。

I'm using the Babel ES7 preset to compile this.


Async functions return promises. In order to do what you want, try something like this

wrapper().then(someString => console.log(someString));

您还可以等待 wrapper()与其他异步函数的上下文中的其他promise一样。

You can also await on wrapper() like other promises from the context of another async function.

console.log(await wrapper());