



I have developed an Android game app, and now I am looking for a tool that would monitor my apps real user performance (like CPU, memory, GPU, network, latency, etc.).


I know about NewRelic's mobile APN monitoring, but it is too expensive for me.



如果您只是想了解应用程序对每个设备生命的消耗,那么Google Play上有几种工具可以为您提供帮助相同.其中一些可能包括 CPU Monitor,3C Toolbox,Elixir 2等.

If you are simply looking to understand the consumption of each of the device vitals by your application, then there are several tools on the Google Play which will help you with the same. Some of them may include CPU Monitor, 3C Toolbox, Elixir 2 etc.

更不用说Android Studio的内置监视功能了.

Not to mention Android Studio's inbuilt monitoring capability.

参考链接:: .com/studio/profile/index.html

但是,如果您希望监控生产并了解真实的用户体验,那么您将不得不投入一些现金.但是有免费的工具,例如 Fabric ,可以在生产崩溃时提供设备重要信息.除了设备重要信息外,Fabric还提供了其他一些详细信息,例如堆栈跟踪,崩溃时间,地理位置等.

However, if you are looking to monitor on the production and understand the real user experience, then you will have to invest some cash. But there are free tools such as Fabric which would provide device vitals during crashes in the production. Along with the device vitals there are several other details such as stack trace, time of crash, geography etc. that would be available on Fabric.

您还可以尝试使用 Apteligent (另一种移动前端性能监视解决方案)来监视生产中的应用程序.这类似于Fabric,但是提供了有关崩溃(除了设备生命周期)和缓慢的事务的更深入的信息.但是,这是一种商业工具,但附带免费试用版(功能有限).尽管我不确定它们提供的定价和许可模型,但是从移动前端的角度来看,它们的效率与New Relic,Appdynamics,Dynatrace等一样有效.

You could also try Apteligent, yet another mobile front end performance monitoring solution, to monitor your application in the production. This is similar to Fabric but provides more in depth information about crashes (in addition to device vitals) and slow transactions. However, this is a commercial tool but comes with free trial (limited features). Though I am not sure of the pricing and licensing models provided by them, they are as efficient as New Relic, Appdynamics, Dynatrace and such from a mobile front end perspective.


You can also refer to this post that I came across if that helps :