下载Azure Web应用程序?

下载Azure Web应用程序?


我刚刚开设了一个免费的Azure试用帐户,并通过各种表格创建了一个测试Web应用程序.我想使用Visual Studio 2015在本地编辑源文件.可以下载注册过程中生成的文件,如果可以,如何下载?感谢您的帮助!

I just opened a free Azure trial account and went through the various forms to create a test web app. I would like to edit the source files locally with Visual Studio 2015 however. Is it possible to download the files generated during sign-up, and if so, how? Thanks for any help!

您可以使用KUDU网站下载项目文件: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/benjaminperkins/2014/03/24/using-kudu-with-windows -azure-web-sites/

You can download your project file using KUDU site: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/benjaminperkins/2014/03/24/using-kudu-with-windows-azure-web-sites/

选择调试控制台-> CMD 从那里,您可以进入站点-> wwwroot,然后选择任何文件夹左侧的下载按钮:

Select Debug console -> CMD from there you can go inside site -> wwwroot and select download button to the left of any folder:


It will zip up all the files under that folder and start downloading.