


I have this problem. I have this dataBase in mongoDB:

"_id" : ObjectId("585fe33d3c63b4a81e00002b"),
"class" : [ 
        "name" : "class 1",
        "people" : [ 
                "id" : "58596",
                "name" : "mark",
                "id" : "45643",
                "name" : "Susan",
                "id" : "85952",
                "name" : "Loris",
        "name" : "class 2",
        "people" : [ 
                "id" : "58456",
                "name" : "Sissi",
                "id" : "45643",
                "name" : "Susan",

I use php and I would like to know the names of the class with a specific name inside and save them in an array.

For example if I choose Susan i would like to have an array with ["class 1" , ["class 2"].

I have used findOne but this time i need to use find.

我有这个问题。 我在mongoDB中有这个数据库: p>

“name”  :“class 1”,
“id”:“  45643“,
  code>  pre> 

我使用php并且我想知道具有特定名称的类的名称并将它们保存在数组中。 p>

例如,如果我选择Susan我想要一个数组 用 [“class 1”, [“class 2”] code>。 p>

我使用过findOne,但这次我需要使用find。 p> div>

You can make use of MongoDB aggregation framework.

Here is a query which will give you the date in the desired form. However, I believe that there will be some better and efficient way to handle this but this is what I came up with.

  {"$match": {

Result :-

{ "_id" : "Susan", "classes" : [ "class 1", "class 2" ] }

Try to $match before first $unwind operation to avoid the unnecessary results in the pipeline before $unwind.

Refer Aggregation Pipeline Optimization for improved performance.