如何使用 Ant 在类别/套件中运行所有 JUnit 测试?

如何使用 Ant 在类别/套件中运行所有 JUnit 测试?


我在类似于 这个答案.回顾一下:

I'm using JUnit Categories and ClassPathSuite in a setup similar to that described in this answer. To recap:

public interface FastTests {

public class FastTestSuite {

public class AllTests {

...AllTests 使用 ClasspathSuite 库.

...where AllTests makes use of the ClasspathSuite library.

属于 FastTests 类别的测试类如下所示:

A test class that's part of the FastTests category would look like this:

public class StringUtilsTest {
    //  ...

当我在 IDE 中运行FastTestSuite"时,所有带有 FastTests 注释的测试都会被执行,很好 &平滑:

When I run "FastTestSuite" in my IDE, all tests with the FastTests annotation are executed, nice & smooth:

现在,我想用 Ant 做同样的事情.(令我惊讶的是,我无法在 SO 上轻松找到相关说明.)换句话说,我需要一个 Ant 目标来运行所有带有 FastTests 注释的测试.

Now, I want to do the same thing with Ant. (To my surprise, I couldn't easily find instructions for this on SO.) In other words, I need an Ant target that runs all tests with the FastTests annotation.

我尝试了一些使用 ...

I've tried some simplistic approaches using <test> or <batchtest>...

 <junit showoutput="true" printsummary="yes">
     <test name="fi.foobar.FastTestSuite"/>
     <formatter type="xml"/>
     <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>


... but no luck, so far.

编辑:除了 IDE,它还可以在命令行上与 JUnitCore 配合使用:

Edit: Besides the IDE, it works fine with JUnitCore on the command line:

$ java -classpath "classes:WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/*" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore fi.foobar.FastTestSuite
Time: 0.189

OK (13 tests)

是的,我用 很简单:

Right, I got it working with <batchtest> quite simply:

<junit showoutput="true" printsummary="yes" fork="yes">
    <formatter type="xml"/>
    <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
    <batchtest todir="${test.reports}">
        <fileset dir="${classes}">
            <include name="**/FastTestSuite.class"/>

我之前尝试过 ,但犯了一个愚蠢的错误,使用 "**/FastTestSuite.java" 而不是 "**/FastTestSuite.class"<include> 元素中...很抱歉:-)

I had tried <batchtest> earlier, but had made the silly mistake of using "**/FastTestSuite.java" instead of "**/FastTestSuite.class" in the <include> element... Sorry about that :-)

注意:必须设置fork="yes"(即,在单独的虚拟机中运行测试);否则,这也会在 java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:513) 处产生initializationError",如 (请参阅对问题的评论).但是,即使使用 fork="yes",我也无法让 工作.

NB: it's necessary to set fork="yes" (i.e., run the tests in a separate VM); otherwise this will also produce "initializationError" at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:513) like <test> (see comments on the question). However, I couldn't get <test> working even with fork="yes".

唯一的缺点是这只会生成一个 JUnit XML 报告文件 (TEST-fi.foobar.FastTestSuite.xml),这使得所有(数百个)测试看起来都在一个类中(快速测试套件).如果有人知道如何调整它以在他们的原始课程中显示测试 &包裹,请告诉我.

The only shortcoming is that this produces just one JUnit XML report file (TEST-fi.foobar.FastTestSuite.xml) which makes it look like all the (hundreds) of tests are in one class (FastTestSuite). If anyone knows how to tweak this to show the tests in their original classes & packages, please let me know.