


I have been trying to populate a list of checkboxes which values and names are retrieved from MySQL as well. I believe I need to match two iD's together to be able to mark it as checked but I am not sure at the moment.

$boardsiD = $pClass->checkedBoards();

foreach($pClass->retrieveBoards() as $data)
    $boardiD    =   $data['boardiD'];
    $boardName  =   $data['boardName'];

    if($boardiD == $boardsiD) ------------------ 1 ---------------------
        $checked = 'checked="1"';

    echo '
        <li><input '.$checked.' type="checkbox" value="'.$boardiD.'">'.$boardName.'</li>

Where the dashes with the number one in the middle is, I am there checking if the board id's are the same and if so then the checked="1" is applied. But it does not seem to be working.

The following is the output for the $boardsiD; These are the checkboxes that have been checekd in the database; saved the ids which is what I am trying to match against the $boardiD = $data['boardiD'] which is the whole list of id's(about 30 id's).

Array (
        [0] => Array
                    ([board_iD] => 106468047379795203)
        [1] => Array
                    ([board_iD] => 286119451265381250)
        [2] => Array
                    ([board_iD] => 136234026166934321)
        [3] => Array
                    ([board_iD] => 468022654964640361)
        [4] => Array
                    ([board_iD] => 409757334785529893)
        [5] => Array
                    ([board_iD] => 409757334785575605)
        [6] => Array
                    ([board_iD] => 490681390589888313)

I'm not sure if I can use preg_match for this or if I even should, I tried but it did not work very well, any ideas why the following does not work?

checked="1" is invalid HTML. The correct Syntax for HTML4 would be

<input type="checkbox" value="someValue" checked>

or for HTML5

<input type="checkbox" value="someValue" checked="checked" />

To check if your $boardID is a value of $boardsID you can do the following:

$checked = '';

for($i = 0; !$checked && $i < sizeof($boardsID); $i++)
  if($boardID == $boardsID[$i]['board_iD'])
    $checked = 'checked="checked"';

Your $boardsiD is a 2 dimentional array so lets convert it to a single dimentional array first.

$it =  new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($boardsiD));
$newBoardIDs = iterator_to_array($it, false);


foreach($pClass->retrieveBoards() as $data)
    $boardiD    =   $data['boardiD'];
    $boardName  =   $data['boardName'];

        $checked = 'checked="1"';

    echo '
        <li><input '.$checked.' type="checkbox" value="'.$boardiD.'">'.$boardName.'</li>

should solve your problem.