Google App Engine中实际的应用程序二进制限制是多少?

Google App Engine中实际的应用程序二进制限制是多少?


When I deploy an app on my Go standard environment, the below size limit error occurred:

ERROR: ( Error Response: [9] Deployment contains files that cannot be compiled: App binary too big: 69351840 > 67108864

67108864 is 64MB. But this limit is different with what the documentation says. The limit in the documentation is 32MB instead:

Each file is limited to a maximum size of 32 megabytes.

Is the documentation outdated? Or only Go has a higher limit than other languages? I want to find the documentation of actual app binary limits.

Yes, Go has a higher max static data file size limit than other languages. This change is not in the documentation and it needs to be updated to reflect the correct value for Go.

I've filed a public issue about it here for the documentation update.