Gradle 6.0打破了源集依赖性

Gradle 6.0打破了源集依赖性


我在这里为学生提供了一些课程: /engineEmi_Lektionen/tree/master

I have a collection of lessons for students here:


The dependant lib for this project gets injected via a gradle plugin here:

在gradle 5.6.4之前,一切都很好.但是,当我升级包装器时,它会损坏并丢失上述库的源集".有人可以帮我吗?

It all works great up until gradle 5.6.4. But when I upgrade the wrapper, it breaks and loses the Source Set of the above mentioned library. Can anyone help me with that?


  1. 克隆存储库
  2. 使用gradle包装器版本5.6.4->示例有效. (集成了源集依赖引擎Emi)
  3. 使用gradle wrapper 6.0或更高版本->示例中断(缺少源集依赖项engineEmi)

编辑 忘记了错误信息:

 > Task :compileKotlinJvm FAILED

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
1 actionable task: 1 executed
e: /Users/username/dev/engineEmi/engineEmi_Template/src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt: (1, 8): Unresolved reference: me
e: /Users/username/dev/engineEmi/engineEmi_Template/src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt: (16, 9): Unresolved reference: engine
e: /Users/username/dev/engineEmi/engineEmi_Template/src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt: (21, 13): Unresolved reference: init
e: /Users/username/dev/engineEmi/engineEmi_Template/src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt: (28, 13): Unresolved reference: viewWillLoad
e: /Users/username/dev/engineEmi/engineEmi_Template/src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt: (35, 13): Unresolved reference: viewDidLoad
e: /Users/username/dev/engineEmi/engineEmi_Template/src/commonMain/kotlin/Main.kt: (39, 13): Unresolved reference: start


It just doestnt find the library (package). Switching back to 5.6.4 lets it find the lib again



The problem was a combination of two things as I could reproduce:

1. Kotlin多平台发布

您不需要使用kotlin手动创建出版物 multipatform:与发布普通的Kotlin/JVM或Java相比 项目,则无需通过 发布{...}(请参见此处:

You do NOT need to create the publications manually with kotlin multipatform: Compared to publishing a plain Kotlin/JVM or Java project, there is no need to create publications manually via the publishing { ... } (see here: 1)

kotlin {}块几乎可以为您做任何事情.您只需要在publishing {}块中添加发布的存储库即可.例如:

The kotlin {} block does almost anything for you. You only have to add the repository you publish to in the publishing {} block. For example::

publishing {
    publications {
        val kotlinMultiplatform by getting {
            repositories {
                maven {
                    credentials {
                        username = "USERNAME"
                        password = System.getenv("bintrayApiKey")
                    url = uri(


2. gradle发布任务


Somehow, the task publishAllPublicationsToMavenRepository did not work for me. You really need to use the publish task