


I have an array with variables like:
$shippingtimearr = array("", "1630", "1530", "1530", "1530", "", "");

Each field in this array represents a weekday.
I need to determine how many consecutive fields are empty depending on the day ("starting field").

For example:
If the start is $shippingtimearr[5] it should return 3 since next "Monday" ($shippingtimearr[0]) is NULL.
If the start is an array value that is not NULL, it should return 0;

I tried creating a "for" loop like this:

for( $i = 2; $shippingtimearr[$i] = 0; $i++ ) {

But it didn't work and obviously, this would not account for the fact that a "week" should be looped again to see if the first days next week are "NULL".

$ shippingtimearr = array(“”,“1630 “,”1530“,”1530“,”1530“,”“,”“”; code>


如果开始是 $ shippingtimearr [5] code>,它应该返回 3 code>,因为下一个“星期一”( $ shippingtimearr [0] code>)是 NULL code>。
如果start是一个不是 NULL code>的数组值,它应该返回 0 code >; p>

我尝试创建一个“for”循环: p>

  for($ i = 2; $ shippingtimearr [$ i  ] = 0; $ i ++){
 $ counter ++; 
  code>  pre> 

但它没有用,显然,这不会说明这一事实 应该再次循环“周”以查看下周的第一天是否为“ NULL code>”。 p> div>

Since nobody seemed to understand exactly what I was looking for, I will post a solution I came up with myself using a "while" loop:

$counter = 0;
$shippingtimearr = ["", "1630", "1530", "1530", "1530", "", ""];
$start = 3;

while ($shippingtimearr[$start++] == NULL) {
    if ($start > 6) $start = 0;

$shippingtimearr = array("", "1630", "1530", "1530", "1530", "", "");
$contains_empty = count($shippingtimearr) - count(array_filter($shippingtimearr));

May be you are looking for some simpler answer like

$shippingtimearr = array("", "1630", "1530", "1530", "1530", "", "");
$counter = 0;
echo $counter;

You can use array_count_values(), check the live demo


$shippingtimearr = array("", "1630", "1530", "1530", "1530", "", "");