



Is there a shortcut to copy the current path/file to the clipboard?


There is Copy Qualified Name function in Eclipse, it will copy the full name of the element you select (or element on cursor).


/MyProject/src/app/Application.java :当您在 Package Explorer

java.util.HashSet< String> 您在光标位于 HashSet< String>


However, it required you to select the element you want.


  1. 使您的包资源管理器与编辑器链接,您可以通过点击右上角的双箭头图标来激活。

  1. Make your Package Explorer link with editor, you can active this by click the double-arrow icon at top-right corner.

设置显示视图(Package Explorer)的热键 ex: Alt + 1

设置打开的热键复制合格名称 ex: Alt + Ctrl + Shift + c

Set up a hot-key for Copy Qualified Name ex : Alt + Ctrl + Shift + c

每当我需要这些信息在当前文件中,我只是按热-key调用我的包资源管理器由于它与编辑器链接,并且将始终在当前编辑器中选择该文件,您可以使用热键进行复制。那么你可以使用 F12 回到你的编辑器,或者简单的 ESC ,如果你使用快速浏览。

Whenever I need these information in current file, I just press the hot-key to call my Package Explorer Since it links with editor and will always select the file in current editor, you can just copy with the hot-key. Then you can use F12 back to your editor, or simply ESC if you use fast view.
