



I am attempting to run a simple C project in Eclipse.


I have read through every single possible thread about setting up Eclipse and I thought I had everything correct.

我安装了Eclipse IDE的C / C ++开发人员,安装了MinGW的,和MYSYS。

I installed the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, installed MinGW, and MySys.

我已经把我的系统变量路径 C:\\ MinGW的\\ BIN; C:\\ MSYS \\ 1.0 \\ BIN ,我也选择了的 PE的Windows分析器的在Eclipse preferences

I have set my System Variables Path to C:\MinGW\bin; C:\msys\1.0\bin and I have also selected PE Windows Parser in the Eclipse preferences.


Finally, I set the Environment Variable to name PATH and value set to the Path variable in the checkbox select list.


Yet when I go to run my program I get the error


Launch Failed: Binary not found.


Have I overlooked something? I have cleaned/rebuilt/restarted my computer to see if that would fix the issue, still no luck.


工程>>属性>> C / C ++通用>>路径和符号>>包括标签

Project >> Properties >> C/C++ General >> Paths and Symbols >> Includes Tab


Nothing is listed, I'm wondering if this has something to do with it?

通常情况下,你只需要安装的MinGW到C:\\ MinGW的,再加入C:\\ MinGW的\\ bin添加到Windows's PATH变量。就这样。没有MSYS或需要日食fiddeling各地

Normally you just have to install mingw to c:\mingw, then add c:\mingw\bin to Windows´s PATH variable. that´s all. no msys or fiddeling around in eclipse needed

在Eclipse中只是去文件 - >新建> C ++项目,选择Executable->的Hello World ANSI C项目,然后在右侧窗口MinGW的GCC工具链。该项目应建立并从Eclipse中运行没有问题。

In Eclipse just go to File->new->C Project, select Executable->Hello World ANSI C Project, and select MinGw GCC toolchain in right window. That project should build and run from within eclipse without problems


If "MinGw GCC" toolchain is not shown in the toolchain selection, just uncheck the checkbox "Show project types and toolchains only if they are supported on the plattform" to make it show up