是否有适用于 Eclipse Luna 和 Scala IDE Lithium 的 ScalaTest 插件?

是否有适用于 Eclipse Luna 和 Scala IDE Lithium 的 ScalaTest 插件?


试图找到与 Eclipse Luna 和 Scala IDE for Eclipse 4.0.0(又名 Lithium)一起使用的 ScalaTest 插件.目前使用 Scala IDE 的 Milestone 2 for Eclipse Lithium 插件.

Trying to find the ScalaTest plugin for use with Eclipse Luna and Scala IDE for Eclipse 4.0.0 (aka Lithium). Currently using Milestone 2 of the Scala IDE for Eclipse Lithium plugin.

ScalaTest 插件曾经是 Scala IDE for Eclipse 插件的一部分(出现在列表中,您可以选中它进行安装——Scala IDE for Eclipse 应该是一个插件生态系统,ScalaTest 是其中之一他们).它似乎不再存在了.

The ScalaTest plugin used to be part of the Scala IDE for Eclipse plugin (appeared on the list and you could check the box it to install--Scala IDE for Eclipse is supposed to be an ecosystem of plugins, ScalaTest being one of them). It doesn't appear to be there any more.

  • 它不在列表中,
  • 当我检查安装详细信息"时,它也没有出现,
  • 测试配置未显示在运行方式..."下

但是在 ScalaTest 插件 Github 站点中提到了 Luna 用于 scalatest 插件 (https://github.com/scalatest/scalatest-eclipse-plugin),它应该是 Eclipse 生态系统的 Scala IDE 的一部分.

But there is mention of Luna in the ScalaTest plugin Github site for the scalatest plugin (https://github.com/scalatest/scalatest-eclipse-plugin), which is supposed to be part of the Scala IDE for Eclipse ecosystem.

测试从 SBT 命令行运行良好.所以我知道 ScalaTest jar 文件在类路径中并且是我项目的兼容版本.ScalaTest jar 文件在我的 Eclipse 项目中显示为外部 jar 文件,测试在 Eclipse 中编译.用于 Eclipse 功能的其他 Scala IDE 似乎可以正常工作.

The tests run fine from the SBT command line. So I know the ScalaTest jar file is in the classpath and is of a compatible version for my project. The ScalaTest jar file appears as an external jar file in my project in Eclipse, and the tests compile in Eclipse. Other Scala IDE for Eclipse functions seem to work correctly.


  • Eclipse 版本: Luna (4.4.0),
  • 适用于 Eclipse 版本的 Scala IDE: Lithium 4.0.0 Milestone 2,适用于 Luna 和 Scala 2.11.1(下载站点 http://download.scala-ide.org/sdk/lithium/e44/scala211/dev/site)
  • Java 版本:Java 1.8_05,
  • Scala 版本: 2.11.1,
  • 构建工具: SBT 0.13.5,在 Java 1.8_05 下运行,
  • ScalaTest 版本: scalatest_2.11-2.2.0.jar(复制到我项目的lib目录下)
  • Eclipse Version: Luna (4.4.0),
  • Scala IDE for Eclipse Version: Lithium 4.0.0 Milestone 2, for Luna and Scala 2.11.1 (download site http://download.scala-ide.org/sdk/lithium/e44/scala211/dev/site)
  • Java Version: Java 1.8_05,
  • Scala Version: 2.11.1,
  • Build Tool: SBT 0.13.5, running under Java 1.8_05,
  • ScalaTest Version: scalatest_2.11-2.2.0.jar (copied into the lib directory of my project)

我的 Eclipse 项目文件由 SBT 使用 eclipse SBT 命令生成,并使用标准的Import->Existing Projects Into Workspace..."方法加载到 Eclipse 中.build.sbt 文件是一行读取 scalaVersion :="2.11.1".

My Eclipse project file is generated by SBT using the eclipse SBT command, and loaded into Eclipse using the standard "Import->Existing Projects Into Workspace..." method. The build.sbt file is a single line reading scalaVersion := "2.11.1".

是否有适用于 Eclipse Luna 的 ScalaTest 插件和适用于 Eclipse 4.0 (Lithium) 的 Scala IDE?如果是这样,我要去哪里找到它?

Is there a ScalaTest plugin for Eclipse Luna and Scala IDE for Eclipse 4.0 (Lithium)? If so, where do I go about finding it?

这是与 Eclipse Luna(4.4 版)配合使用的 Scala IDE 版本.

This is a version of the Scala IDE that works with Eclipse Luna (version 4.4).
