


我有两个 gitlab帐户,它位于〜/ .ssh中旧帐户中添加了 ssh-key /id_rsa.pub 在我的电脑中,


I have two gitlab account, which in my old account added an ssh-key that located in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub in my pc,
now I want added another ssh-key for my new gitlab account.

如果没有 ssh-keys冲突或者类似的东西,我该如何做?

How do I it, without ssh-keys conflict or some things like this?


I would recommend a second key, for now without passphrase:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com" -P "" -q -f ~/.ssh/gitlab_rsa

这将创建(没有任何提示)〜/ .ssh / gitlab_rsa (私钥)和〜/ .ssh / gitlab_rsa.pub (公钥)

That will create (without any prompt) ~/.ssh/gitlab_rsa (private key) and ~/.ssh/gitlab_rsa.pub (public key)

您需要注册第二个 gitlab_rsa.pub 公钥到你的第二个GitLab帐户
$ b

You need to register that second gitlab_rsa.pub public key to your second GitLab account.

导航到'SSH Keys'配置文件设置。将你的钥匙粘贴在'钥匙'部分,并给它一个相关的'标题'。

然后添加一个〜/ .ssh / config 文件:

Host gitlab_rsa
    HostName gitlab.com
    User git
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentityFile /home/<you>/.ssh/gitlab_rsa


Finally, you can clone any GitLab repo as your second identity with:

git clone gitlab_rsa:<yourSecondAccount>/<yourRepo.git>

这将被 git@gitlab.com自动替换:< yourSecondACcount&gt ; /< yourRepo.git> 并将使用第二个键。

That will be replaced automatically with git@gitlab.com:<yourSecondACcount>/<yourRepo.git> and will use your second key.