PHP需要引号才能在SQL Server数据库中使用“Transaction”表

PHP需要引号才能在SQL Server数据库中使用“Transaction”表


In ms sql server i have a table its name is "Transaction" and I know i have to put "" sign on Transaction Table to select table using sql query what i mean is if i use

select SalesTax
from "Transaction"
where Total = 59.00

Then it works

but if i use

select SalesTax
from Transaction
where Total = 59.00

Then it doesn't work

what i am wondering about is in php script to select table still php doesn't recognize transaction table i tried 'Transaction' and "Transaction" too but it doesn't work anybody have a idea? the below is the php script i have used to update ..

$tsql = "UPDATE Transaction SET Quantity = (Quantity - $qty)
         WHERE ItemLookupCode = '$sku'";

Thank you so much guys in advance....

在ms sql server中,我有一个表名为“Transaction”,我知道我必须放“”符号 在事务表上使用sql查询选择表我的意思是 我使用 p>

其中Total = 59.00 

然后它可以工作 p>

但是如果我使用 p>

其他 = 59.00 
  code>  pre> 

然后它不起作用 p>

我想知道的是在PHP脚本中选择表仍然是php 我不认识交易表我试过“交易”和“交易”但它不起作用任何人都有想法? 下面是我用来更新的PHP脚本.. p> $ tsql =“UPDATE Transaction SET Quantity =(Quantity - $ qty) WHERE ItemLookupCode ='$ sku'”; code> pre>

谢谢 这么多人提前...... p> div>

In SQL Server, reserved words can be escaped using square brackets [].

So you can try:

$tsql = "UPDATE [Transaction] 
         SET Quantity = (Quantity - $qty) 
         WHERE ItemLookupCode = '$sku'";

Note: you should not name tables, etc with reserved words for this exact reason.