我可以用什么IDE进行实时编辑,没有WYSIWYG,只是代码? 基于Web或FTP的IDE? [关闭]

我可以用什么IDE进行实时编辑,没有WYSIWYG,只是代码? 基于Web或FTP的IDE?  [关闭]


Currently I am using cPanel's file manager to access my files, NotePad++ to edit them with syntax highlighting, and uploading them back to the server again using cPanel. Am I doing it wrong (I believe I am)? Is there a better way of doing this. I can access my server using FTP.

目前我正在使用cPanel的文件管理器来访问我的文件,NotePad ++使用语法高亮来编辑它们,并将它们上传回来 使用cPanel再次访问服务器。 我做错了吗(我相信我是)? 有没有更好的方法来做到这一点。 我可以使用FTP访问我的服务器。 p> div>

I tried nearly every IDE out there and the two I liked best were Aptana Studio http://www.aptana.com and Netbeans http://www.netbeans.org

I ended up sticking with Aptana because I liked the dark backgrounds and I had a slight issue with Netbean's code completion.

Both IDEs are free and will allow you to connect through FTP.

Emacs has a mode called Tramp which allows you to edit files remotely. It will take care of transferring them to and fro using some protocol. It has ftp support.

You could use Eclipse using the Remote System Explorer for that.

You simply have to create a new project and where Eclipse asks for the project location choose RSE, add your FTP/SMB/SSH/... connection and you're good to go.

There's also a PHP plugin for Eclipse.

If you want to stick to Notepad++, there's also a FTP plugin you might want to use.

Well on Windows I was using FAR+Colorer+WinSCP (or FTP) plugin for ages exactly for the online editing.
It is not an IDE but just a file explorer(a powerful one)/text editor though.