如何找到使用c ++在windows(7)中打开文件夹的时间?

如何找到使用c ++在windows(7)中打开文件夹的时间?


大家好。我试图在c ++中编写一段代码,可以检测文件夹何时打开并返回该文件夹的路径。有没有办法在不使用驱动程序编程的情况下执行此操作?任何帮助都可以如此有用。 tnx

hi everybody. I am trying to write a piece of code in c++ that can detect when a folder is opened and return the path of that folder .is there any way to do that without using driver programing? any help can be so useful. tnx


You cannot. There is no such concept as "opened folder". You can detect if some file is open or not, but for the folder it simply makes no sense.


http://blogs.msdn.com/b /oldnewthing/archive/2004/05/20/135841.aspx [ ^ ]

这是解决方案。此链接由Graham Breach发送给我( http://www.codeproject.com/script/ Membership / View.aspx?mid = 6796338 [ ^ ])。 tnx来自他
That is the solution to do that. this link has send to me by Graham Breach(http://www.codeproject.com/script/Membership/View.aspx?mid=6796338[^]). tnx from him