PHP cookie和时间

PHP cookie和时间


I'm am experimenting with cookies for the first time and I don't think I'm understanding this or my code is doing something loopy. Someone mind helping me get back on the right path?

I keep re reading the help but i think my mind is mush now :/

$currentTime = strtotime("now");
$popup_exp = strtotime("+1 hour");

if (!isset($_COOKIE['popup_timer'])) : //does cookie exists? if not, make it
    setcookie("popup_timer", $currentTime);
if( ($popup_exp > $_COOKIE['popup_timer']) ): 
    //show my popup

我正在尝试第一次使用cookies,我不认为我理解这个或我的 代码正在做一些循环的事情。 有人介意帮助我回到正确的道路上吗? p>

我一直在阅读php.net的帮助,但我认为我现在的想法很简单:/ p> $ currentTime = strtotime(“now”); $ popup_exp = strtotime(“+ 1小时”); if(!isset($ _ COOKIE ['popup_timer'])):// cookie存在吗? 如果没有,请将其设为 setcookie(“popup_timer”,$ currentTime); endif; if(($ popup_exp> $ _COOKIE ['popup_timer'])): //显示我的popup endif; code> pre> div>

Not getting your code quiet well, but as you commented

if(!isset($_COOKIE['popup_timer'])) {
   //Show popup
   setcookie("popup_timer", '', time()+3600);

The above will throw a pop up only if the $_COOKIE is not set, once it throws the pop up, a cookie will be set with an expiration set to an hour.

You should compare your current time with the time stored in the cookie, like this

$currentTime = strtotime('now');

if (!isset($_COOKIE['popup_timer'])) {
    setcookie('popup_timer', $currentTime);
} else {
    if ($currentTime > $_COOKIE['popup_timer'] + 60 * 60) {
        // If an hour has passed since cookie creation
        // show your popup